Book your hotel reservation by following the link below :
The nightly rates below are per person based on the number of guests in a room and includes 3 meals per day and ALL applicable fees & taxes. An additional $20 per person processing fee will be added to the total.
Meals inclusive begins with dinner on arrival day and ends with lunch on departure day.
Single Occupancy: $316.69 ($240 housing at federal rate and $76.69 meals)
Double Occupancy: $210.13 per person
Attendee with Guests: $316.69 + $103.57 per additional adult + $73.40 per youth (3-12 years old)
Check-In Time: 4PM
Check-Out Time: 11AM
Note regarding shared rooms on the hotel booking site:
SHARED ROOM: Rates shown are per person. All participants must reserve separately. Because of COVID-19, Asilomar cannot take on the responsibility of matching you with roommates. You must request each other as roommates in order to be assigned to the same room. Requested roommate reservation(s) must be received within 5 business days of each other. You can name each other as roommates at the “Roommate/Additional Requests” box located in the Guest Information Page.
If you have any questions, please email
Located at the tip of the Monterey Peninsula, Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove is the conference’s official hotel, and the venue is the historic Asilomar Hotel in Monterey, California.
Asilomar is near the city of Monterey, a vibrant city full of entertainment and places to visit.
Some extra Attractions and Restaurants in Monterey worth visiting
Check out the following two PDFs to get some extra information of other attractions and restaurants in the area in case you want to use some of your spare time around.
If you are NOT staying at ASILOMAR
Our venue (Asilomar) is especially conducive to informal discussion and collaboration, with a lot of informal meeting space (with fireplaces), bonfire pits, and communal space. We highly encourage everybody to book a room there. However, if, for some reason, you are booked at a different place and still want to have full meals at Asilomar, please contact Angela Lee ( to add your name to the meal lists.
Meals costs per day:
Breakfast: $21.27
Lunch: $27.50
Dinner: $42.80
+ add on daily $12.00 fee on top of that.
$103.57, 3 meals inclusive of taxes, and $12.00 offgrounds included.